Efectos de las ondas electromagnéticas en los seres vivos

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Efectos de las ondas electromagnéticas en los seres vivos

Notapor Nephilim » Lun Feb 04, 2008 1:14 am

Dentro de poco iniciaré una investigación al respecto, de modo que cualquier información que me puedan aportar del tema será bien acogida y muy útil para mí, por ahora los dejo con este artículo, perdonen que estén en inglés.

Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame?
Bees in the US are dying of some unknown cause - millions of them are leaving their hives and do not come back. What is happening? The problem has got a name - colony collapse disorder - but no apparent cause.

Bee hive - Image credit: EnviroZine
Some years back, France and other European countries had a similar, if less severe die-off of honey bees. At the time Gaucho, a poisonous seed treatment chemical produced by Bayer, was blamed, the die-off has continued in Europe, although at a comparatively slower pace.
The situation in the US seems even more severe than what happened in Europe, and certainly the onset is more sudden. According to The Independent, millions of honey bees are abandoning their hives and flying off to die, leaving beekeepers facing ruin and US agriculture under threat.
"Across the country, from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific, honey bee colonies have started to die off, abruptly and decisively. Millions of bees are abandoning their hives and flying off to die (they cannot survive as a colony without the queen, who is always left behind).
Some beekeepers, especially those with big portable apiaries, or bee farms, which are used for large-scale pollination of fruit and vegetable crops, are facing commercial ruin - and there is a growing threat that America's agriculture may be struck a mortal blow by the loss of the pollinators. Yet scientists investigating the problem have no idea what is causing it."
On one of my weekly news grabs, I linked an article on the mysterious die-off of honey bees, and a reader commented, suggesting that emissions of GWEN, the Ground Wave Emergency Network, might be to blame. Here is what he had to say:
After reading several articles on the disappearance of the honeybee, the thought occurred that this appears to be happening only in the US. A Google search turned up nothing on this phenomenon in any other country, including Canada and Mexico.
Why only the US? Also, why are nonsensical excuses being offered up by the pseudo-scientific community for the demise of the bee?
Researchers have dubbed the syndrome the "colony collapse disorder." They say the bees presumably are dying in the fields, perhaps becoming exhausted or disoriented and eventually dying from exposure to the cold. Or, it could just be that the bees are stressed out. Give me a break!
Tired bees? Dying from weather exposure? Stressed out bees? Disoriented?

Just imagine a tired bee for a moment. When’s the last time you saw a tired bee?
Dying from weather exposure? Weather cold enough to kill bees in their hives would also decimate other insect populations. No report on that, huh?
Stressed out bees? What, all of a sudden bees get stressed out? What about bees in other countries? They don’t seem to be having a problem at all.
Disoriented bees? Ah, well this is a possibility. But what would make them disoriented? Perhaps it is the 250 HZ signals being pumped out of GWEN stations all over America. This signal makes people angry, so that they support the administrations idea of going after Iran and violence in general. It works great for mass manipulation of opinion. Unfortunately, the same signal will induce a misdirection of up to 10 degrees in the navigation ability of the honeybee. They go away from the hive and never come back because they can no longer find it. That’s why it’s only happening in the US.
Perhaps the most puzzling aspect of this is that US media has never ventured to question why it is only happening here. Somebody must have told them to clam up on this issue or the current crop of US reporters got their degrees in journalism out of a Cracker Jack box.
Now what the hell are GWEN stations, you might want to ask, and what could they have to do with the catastrophic die-off of honey bees...
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GWEN, Microwave Arrays and Mobile Phone Radiation

GWEN, the Ground Wave Emergency Network, is a military communications network, consisting of some 300 transmitters dotting the whole of the continental United States. Each tower is 300-500 feet high. The stations are from 200 to 250 miles apart, so that a signal can go from coast to coast from one station to another. The official purpose is "to ensure adequate communication between command authorities and land-based strategic nuclear forces in the event of a nuclear attack on the United States mainland." But others say a hidden use of the system may be "electromagnetic mind-altering technology" by the use of ELF or Extremely Low Frequency waves.
According to a 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology, ELF has a number of potential military uses, including "dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches of security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare." The same report states:
"Electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. They are silent, and counter-measures to them may be difficult to develop."
Robert O. Becker, M.D., in his book "Crosscurrents: The Perils of Electropollution" said:
"GWEN is a superb system, in combination with cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioral alterations in the civilian population. The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United States. Therefore, if one wished to resonate a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be 'tailored' to the geomagnetic-field strength in each GWEN area."
The bees seem to be playing the role that canary birds had in the mines, warning us of impending desaster. Are these insects, by their unprecedented behavior of flying off without returning to their hives, showing that something insidious is going on?
According to a message from Paul Doyon, electromagnetic waves may well have the capacity of disorienting not only bees but a number of flying creatures. Here is a specific instance involving bees he quotes:
At Cornell Univ. honeybees in a hive relocated into a new building became disoriented. After extensive research ruled out other causes, someone noticed the hive was next to the building's electric transformer. The bees were confused by 60 hz magnetism strong enough to interfere with homing and communication to gather nectar and pollen. (http://www.ratical.org/ratville/RofD4.html)
In Germany, a study of honeybees irradiated with DECT mobile phone base station radiation found that only few of the irradiated bees returned to the hive, and that they required more time to return than the non irradiated bees. Also, the weight of the honeycombs of the irradiated bees was found to be smaller than those in the hives of non irradiated bees. (Stever H, Kuhn J, Otten C, Wunder B, Harst W. Verhaltensaenderung unter elektromagnetischer Exposition. Pilotstudie. Institut fuer Mathematik. Arbeitsgruppe Bildungsinformatik. Universitaet Koblenz-Landau; 2005. http://agbi.uni-landau.de/materialien.htm)
See also
www.mikrowellensmog.info/bienen.html Bees die from microwave irradiation - German site of Dr. Ferdinand Ruzicka, University professor.
http://canterbury.cyberplace.org.nz/ouruhia/ Ouruhia Web, a New Zealand electromagnetic waves website.
Firstenberg, A. 1997: Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution. Cellular Phone Taskforce. Brooklyn, NY 11210.
See also Alfonso Balmori on EMFacts.
Other indications put together by Doyon about the effects suffered not only by bees but also birds and farm animals from the effects of cell phone radiation:
The effects of EMR are being felt by wildlife and the environment as a whole, Birds, bees, worms, trees are all being affected. We need to fight for not only the future of mankind but for the future of the whole environment.
Vienna physicians are displaying information posters in doctor's surgeries. They state radiation from mobile phones is far from being harmless as they have been told by the cell phone companies. They have therefore, in order to act responsibly, the Chamber of Doctors in Vienna, Austria, has decided to inform people about potential medical risks.
His findings, and subsequent related work by Dr Cyril Smith (Smith and Baker, 1982), seem relevant also to the earlier and more generally accepted studies on bees and homing pigeons, both of which are known to have receptors which are able to sense the Earth's magnetic field and its variations, which they use to help direct their survival behavior. My own extraordinary first experience of complete disorientation below the lines may also be relevant; I had never experienced this before, though I have done so since, most notably after I had held up a fluorescent tube for over an hour, to be photographed under the lines; the next day, after a distressingly sleepless night, I found what looked like a burn on that shoulder.
http://www.bewisepolarize.com/man-made% ... ources.htm
Our cheap transistor radios can pick up and separate out hundreds of radio signals at levels of a few hundreds of microvolts/metre. More sophisticated communications receivers can work down to levels of about 10 microvolts/metre. Radio-astronomers work on informational signals from stars at less than 1 microvolt/metre - this is a power level of about 0.000 000 000 001 microwatt/cm2 (1 attowatt/cm2 !!). We can now detect and create pictures from signals from spacecraft at our outer planets using transmit powers similar to those use by mobile phones of a few watts!
Honeybees have been shown to be sensitive to magnetic flux differences of 1 nanotesla (10 microGauss) [4][Theoretically humans could also be sensitive down to less than this level (pineal thermal noise c. 0.24 nanotesla - Smith, 1985). Various sea creatures can detect voltage gradients of a few 10's of microvolts/metre.
Biological stochastic resonance from regular pulsing EMFs can effectively amplify coherent signals (like power EMFs) by vast amounts.
What arrogant nonsense to suggest that living systems need to be "cooked" before they realize they are being bombarded by signals and that microwaves of 100 volts/metre are harmless to us.

Honey bees navigate by observing changes as small as 0.6% in the Earth's magnetic field (2.5 mG out of 400 mG). Other studies have shown that other animals, such as sea turtles and homing pigeons, can navigate using the Earth's magnetic field as a guide. In order to navigate to precision, it is necessary to have many magnetosomes with a permanent dipole moment which are able to maintain their direction in the Earth's magnetic field while being buffeted by Brownian thermal fluctuations.

V.3. Animals: Honey bees follow B fields (Walker/Bitterman, J. Comp. Physiol. 157, 67-73, 1995, and Science 265, 95, 1994) down to a few mG DC accuracy and sea turtles turn when B varies at earth's locations (Science 264, 661 (1994).

42. "Honeybees Can Be Trained to Respond to Very Small Changes in Geomagnetic Field Intensity," M.M. Walker and M.E. Bitterman, J. Exp. Biology 145, 489-494 (1989). (A)
- - -
Although the major trouble seems to be in the US, beekeepers in many European countries are also reporting heavy losses. Perhaps we should not concentrate, therefore, on one particular system of electromagnetic emissions. Other candidates that have world wide effects are the HAARP ionospheric heaters and the explosive growth of the cellular communications system in just about every country.
Mobile phone providers are covering the earth with a fine-mesh network of microwave-emitting senders and repeaters, in addition to the billions of mobile phones we are using.
One of the major points of trouble seems to be that the radiations from mobile phones have passed from analog to digital in the last few years, which means they are pulsed at around 220 "packets" per second. That frequency is very close to the native frequency of the bees' hum, which has been measured to be in the range of 190 to 250 cycles per second.
There are those who warn of health dangers of the mobile phone craze, but the mainstream response seems to be "here comes the tinfoil hat brigade".
Are we going to run our of food before we realize what we're doing?
- - -
Update June 2007: How this story is developing and how the cell phone industry is doing everything to throw doubt on the microwave/cell phones hypothesis...
A Question to and comment by Dr George L. Carlo of the Science and Public Policy Institute in Washington, D.C.
Dear Dr. Carlo:

I have read recently in Salon.com that the theory that bees are disappearing because of exposure to EMR is not supported by any science. You were on Good Morning America supporting that theory. Who is correct?
Carol H
Amherst, MA

Dear Carol:

Unfortunately, the situation with the bees is a page out of the playbook that we deal with all the time with the mobile phone industry. When the bee story first broke, it was based on a German study that showed information carrying radio waves disrupted the ability of bees to make it back to their hives. That work was made public about two months ago. There were other data to support it as well. You can see some of that on our SWI website -- note especially an exceptionally insightful article by Milt Bowling posted there.
The news media ran with the story, bolstered a great deal by a quote attributed to Albert Einstein something along these lines: 'watch the bees. when they disappear, man will disappear within four years'......The mobile phone industry was caught off-guard by the widespread media attention the story garnered.

After the first news cycle, the mobile phone industry 'hit squad' went into action. First, they planted stories that cast doubt on the Einstein quote. Never before have I seen such a desperate attempt to distance a quote from a figure as revered as Albert Einstein. In the process, his name was besmirched. Very sad. Next, they conscripted scientists from a number of universities to begin going public with other explanations...viruses, bacteria, pesticides etc., etc., etc.. These alternatives have been making the rounds over the past month. The mobile phone industry is putting quite a bit of money into the pockets of these scientists by supporting their work regarding viruses and alternative explanations. The industry is dealing with it as a politics and public relations problem.... thus, manipulation of the public perception is the appropriate remedy for them. Sadly, this is business as usual for the mobile phone industry.
Most people in the public don't know the back story, so they do not see the manipulation coming or have the necessary bases for skepticism to see through it. But here is the bottom line:

The colony collapse disorder has occurred concurrently on four continents within a very short time frame. If the reason was biological or chemical, there would be a pattern of epidemic spread.... we would be able to trace the spread of bee disappearance or Colony Collapse Disorder from a source similar to the spread of SARS a few years ago. That is not the case. The condition has hit each continent at roughly the same time. That would mean the cause has to have hit the continents at the same time as well. Mobile phones meet that criterion.
None of the biological or chemical hypotheses actually have a mechanistic explanation that is plausible. The science for the biological and chemical alternatives is far thinner than the science supporting the EMR connection. A case of the pot calling the kettle black.
The disruption of intercellular communication hypothesis that we now know effects cell membranes in most species is biologically plausible...and no other theory has that support.
The basis for a biological mechanism, coupled with the saturation in information carrying radio waves we have globally in the past 14 months, provides the underpinning. In 2004, we had the first billion cell phone users globally, the accumulation over 20 years; by mid 2006, we had the second billion; today we have surpassed three billion. That suggests we are near a saturation point of these waves in the ambient environment. The bees are likely the harbinger or the proverbial 'canaries in the coal mine'.
Taken together, EMR is the only explanation that makes sense regarding the disappearing bees: the timing is correct -- the problem has occurred primarily within the past two years....when we have nearly tripled the background level of information carrying radio waves; the pattern is global so that suggests a cause that is globally present; there is at least one peer-reviewed study that supports it, and there is a mechanism documented that lends biological plausibility.
In our view, this is a serious 'red flag' of risk that should be heeded. This is yet another example of mobile phone industry orchestration aimed at distracting the public from data that can save lives.
Dr. George L. Carlo
Science and Public Policy Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20004

See also:

Video: Dr. Nick Begich talks about electronic weapons technologies of the 21. century
This is of interest in connection with Colony Collapse Disorder or the vanishing of whole swarms of bees, as a possible application of these technologies to control the behavior of large numbers of people may well have unintended effects such as weakening or disorienting insects and birds...

When Bees Disappear, Will Man Soon Follow?
On a recent conference call, Dr. Carlo laid the blame for the sudden demise (often within 72 hours) of entire bee colonies on the recent proliferation of electromagnetic waves (EMF). He cited the startling statistic that, at present, there are some 2.5 billion cell phone users around the world. While this (plus the explosive growth of cell phone towers) used to be the major concern, the problem has been significantly exacerbated by the recent introduction of satellite radio. Dr. Carlo commented that the constant electromagnetic background noise seems to disrupt intercellular communication within individual bees, such that many of them cannot find their way back to the hive.
The problem could well be in our unbridled use of electromagnetic radiation in communications, which is one of the great unacknowledged health threats not only for humans, but it may be killing the bees as well.
EMF frequencies or microwave frequencies are overriding normal control mechanisms in the body and shutting off energy production
As in radio and other transmitters, crystals act to convert certain discrete frequencies into electrical signals. Before we had all of the electro-pollution, animals could simply orient themselves to the earths electromagnetic signature. Additionally animals could store into memory at a subconscious level the discrete signatures of subtle variations in electromagnetic signalling from various regions. This would explain the highly specific nature of migratory behaviour seen in certain animals. What has not been appreciated is the ability which has probably evolved over time to see, complex patterns that are generated from the earth's electromagnetic signature.
Protecting Bees From Mobile Phone Radiation
An old truck has been until recently the domicile of a total of seven bee hives. Siegfried Vogel (in picture) has lost four of his bee colonies in the past year - those which were located behind wooden shielding on his truck. His son Reinhold has had better luck: He still owns his three colonies of bees which are located behind and protected by a portion of aluminum shielding on the same truck. Hence, Siegfried Vogel is now advising all beekeepers to protect their colonies of bees from mobile-phone radiation with aluminum shielding.
EMF frequencies or microwave frequencies are overriding normal control mechanisms in the body and shutting off energy production
http://www.hese-project.org/hese-uk/en/ ... hp?id=bees
Catastrophic Bee Population Decline May Be Related to Bt-Spliced GMO Crops
"Nobody knows why the bees are dying. There is evidence though that GE crops contribute to this, in particular insect resistant crops producing the Bt-toxin. Though healthy bees do not seem to be affected by Bt pollen, a scientist called Hans-Hinrich Kaatz in Germany has found that bees infested with parasites and fed with Bt pollen were affected and died at a high rate.
City Beekeeping
Just to get a bit of an idea of what it involves to work with bees
A Natural Mystic: The Honey Bee is Speaking to Us
Other causes that are effecting the bees are electromagnetic frequencies that are being pumped into the air by all the cell phone towers and military technologies such as HAARP. These frequencies are having an effect on the bees along with the chemtrails that work in tandem with these frequencies as plasma antennas. Bees use natural electromagnetic frequencies to hone in on where the flowers are that they gather their pollen and nectar from and to speak to one another. Birds do the same when it comes to traveling south for the winter.
15 April 2007: Are mobile phones wiping out our bees?
It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail.
They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world - the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. Late last week, some bee-keepers claimed that the phenomenon - which started in the US, then spread to continental Europe - was beginning to hit Britain as well.
The theory is that radiation from mobile phones interferes with bees' navigation systems, preventing the famously homeloving species from finding their way back to their hives. Improbable as it may seem, there is now evidence to back this up.
Bid to halt bumblebee decline
I suspect not only are honeybees in decline, but other species of bees/insects as well. Here is an article on bumblebees going extinct - at least some species.
Cellular phone uses linked to bee deaths
Weatherall is among those who believe a report out of Landau University in Koblenz, Germany, that links cellphone radiation to bee behaviour. Weatherall said that he, too, was forced out of his new home when hydro-electric lines made him hypersensitive to electricity. He said his symptoms included constant ringing in his ears, headaches and nausea and eventually led to a diagnosis of prostate cancer. "Some people are virtually suicidal they're so upset with the way they feel all the time," said Weatherall.
Competing view: Neonicotinoid insecticides are harmful to the honeybee
A team of scientist led by the National Institute of Beekeeping in Bologna, Italy, found that pollen obtained from seeds dressed with imidacloprid contains significant levels of the insesticide, and suggested that the polluted pollen was one of the main causes of honeybee colony collapse. Analysis of maize and sunflower crops originating from seeds dressed with imidacloprid indicated that large amounts of the insecticide will be carried back to honey bee colonies. Sub-lethal doses of imidacloprid in sucrose solution affected homing and foraging activity of honeybees. Bees fed with 500 or 1 000 ppb (parts per billion) of the insecticide in sucrose solutions failed to return to the hive and disappeared altogether, while bees that had imbibed 100 ppb solutions were delayed for 24 h compared with controls. Imidacloprid in sucrose solution fed to the bees in the laboratory impaired their communication for a few hours. Sub-lethal doses of imidacloprid in laboratory and field experiment decreased flight activity and olfactory discrimination, and olfactory learning performance was impaired.
Electromagnetic Radiation: Influences on Honeybees
(Preprint of a study to be presented at the IIAS - InterSymp Conference, the 19th Conference on System Research, Informatics & Cybernetics, which will be held from July 30th to August 4th, 2007 in Baden-Baden, Germany)
Organic Beekeepers Report No Losses While Conventional Operations Report Massive Colony Losses
Who should be surprised that the major media reports forget to tell us that the dying bees are actually hyper-bred varieties that we coax into a larger than normal body size? It sounds just like the beef industry. And, have we here a solution to the vanishing bee problem? Is it one that the CCD Working Group, or indeed, the scientific world at large, will support? Will media coverage affect government action in dealing with this issue?"
Town rejects mast to save bees
Council chiefs are rethinking plans for mobile telephone masts because of fears that their radiation may be causing bees to disappear. Eastbourne's planning committee has refused permission for a new mast unless and until it is convinced there is no danger to the insects, and Bolton council has launched an investigation into the threat. Last month, The Independent on Sunday reported exclusively that exploratory research at Germany's Landau University suggested the radiation interferes with bees' navigation systems.
This was supported yesterday by Ferdinand Ruzicka, emeritus professor at the University of Vienna. He revealed that two-thirds of the beekeepers he surveyed who had a mobile phone mast within 300m had suffered "unexplained colony collapse". Professor Ruzicka believes the radiation may increase the insects' vulnerability to disease.
Do you have Microwave Sickness?
Dr. George Carlo, who used to run a multi-million dollar research program for the cell phone industry and went public regarding the dangers posed by cell phones, uses the analogy of putting a frog in water. If you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out. However, if you put a frog in cold water and gradually heat the water, you can cook the frog because the frog's body will adjust to the slight changes in temperature and it will not notice it is being cooked. Well, the same thing might be happening to an unsuspecting public - a public that has not been informed about the real dangers of microwave radiation from cell phones, WiFi and other high-frequency-radiation emitting devices and antennas. The truth of the matter, your cell phone and your WiFi might very well indeed be making you and those around you sick!
Drowning in a Sea of Microwaves
The increasing popularity of wi-fi comes on the heels of the explosive growth in wireless mobile telephones, and amid heightened concerns over the health hazards of saturating levels of electromagnetic radiation. Microwaves at current exposure levels are linked to brain damage, DNA damage, brain tumours, cancers, microwave sickness, impairment of cognitive functions, impairment of reproduction and fertility, affecting humans, rodents, birds, and bees.
Immune system 'attacked by mobile phones'
"We found that the competence of these white blood cells was depleted after being exposed for seven or eight hours to a mobile phone on standby. There's a possibility that we are damaging lymphocyte performance simply by having these phones on standby next to our bodies."
Where are the Birds and Bees?
Article by Milt Bowling, published in Health Action Magazine, Canada.
Milt Bowling is a consultant and member of HANS, the Canadian Health Action Network Society, a non-profit consumer organization that investigates methods, types and systems of preventative health care and natural therapeutics. Milt is also president of the Clean Energy Foundation, which works with the public, industry and government for better regulation and safer technology.
Dr George Carlo: Radiation Is Killing the Bees
Colony collapse disorder has occurred concurrently on four continents within a very short time frame. If the reason was biological or chemical, there would be a pattern of epidemic spread .... we would be able to trace the spread of bee disappearance or Colony Collapse Disorder from a source similar to the spread of SARS a few years ago. That is not the case. The condition has hit each continent at roughly the same time. That would mean the cause has to have hit the continents at the same time as well. Mobile phones meet that criterion.
Emergency Motion on Protecting the Honeybee
Honeybees have been disappearing worldwide. 1 Across the United States, beekeepers have been losing 30 to 90% or more of colonies in a “colony collapse disorder” (CCD) that's causing huge economic losses not only to beekeepers but also to fruit and vegetable growers. CCD has been reported from Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and the UK. Many believe that when the honeybee disappears, our species will soon follow. Will the European Commission take the appropriate measures to halt the colony collapse of the honeybees?
Asian Parasite Killing Western Bees - Scientist
His team have also identified this parasite in bees from Austria, Slovenia and other parts of Eastern Europe and assume it has invaded from Asia over a number of years. Treatment for nosema ceranae is effective and cheap -- 1 euro (US$1.4) a hive twice a year -- but beekeepers first have to be convinced the parasite is the problem.
Another theory points a finger at mobile phone aerials, but Higes notes bees use the angle of the sun to navigate and not electromagnetic frequencies.
But others are saying that Nosema ceranae is not the answer. Evidently there's more investigating and thinking to be done...
Condemned Cells - Dramatic new facts on Honey bees dying
Although the 'Telegraph' story is well written and well researched, it has one major and extremely important mistake, the reporter writes off mobile phones and electro magnetic radiation as the cause of the honey bees dying. The reporter's reasoning for making this statement is entirely wrong. Two German scientist reported their experiment with a cordless telephone as being inconclusive, yet the results of their experiment gave great cause for concern and very strong reasons why much further research needs to be completed into the health effects of electro magnetic radiation on honey bees. The two scientists have not declared that EMR is safe, they have not stated that EMR is not causing CCD and they have not suggested that further research is not needed. The scientists are simply been cautious of what they have researched and found. There is still every reason to believe that EMR is involved with honey bees dying and that serious research must be conducted quickly.
Virus Implicated In Colony Collapse Disorder In Bees
A team led by scientists from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Pennsylvania State University, the USDA Agricultural Research Service, University of Arizona, and 454 Life Sciences has found a significant connection between the Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) and colony collapse disorder (CCD) in honey bees.
The Vanishing of the Bees
This is a film in progress. You can see a trailer, get some information on what will be in the film and you can help with a donation if you like.
Birds, Bees and Mobile Microwaves
Our natural world is under assault from human activity. The trouble is, to recognise damage to nature reveals also the risk to ourselves. ‘Progress’ is in the hands not of individual people, nor their elected representatives and politicians. It is in the hands of the free market, the large corporates who set the direction of our world through creating profit streams however they can. We don’t have to identify this as evil; rather it is almost inevitable. We are persuaded of the benefits of convenience and consumerism, and we are the source of the profits and the stimulant to corporate behaviour and the setters of social trends. What we must do is to observe, to ask questions, and be honest enough with ourselves to recognise that nothing we do is without consequence. If we are custodians of our children’s futures, we must accept individual and joint responsibility for the condition of our planet.
Honeybees may be wiped out in 10 years
Last year, more than 11 per cent of all beehives inspected were wiped out, although losses were higher in some areas. In London, about 4,000 hives - two-thirds of the bee colonies in the capital - were estimated to have died over last winter. Of the eight colonies inspected so far this year, all have been wiped out.
2008: French beekeepers abuzz with worry over dying bees
The banning in 2005 of two potent pesticides used on sunflower and corn crops, suspected of killing off the bees, appeared to have stemmed the massive die offs and reversed nearly a decade of declining honey harvests. But end-of-winter mortality rates have shot up once again, with up to 60 percent of some hives missing in action. "We don't know what is going on, and we are calling everything into question," said beekeeper and honey producer Franck Aletru, whose 2200 hives are in the Vendee region in western France.

A presentation of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Concerns Over Potential Radiation Impacts of Cellular Communication Towers on Migratory Birds and Other Wildlife... (PDF 2.8 MB)

posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday March 6 2007
updated on Wednesday January 30 2008
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February 27, 2006 - Chris Gupta

Readers' Comments

The electromagnetic radiation theory for the disappearing bees sounds reasonable except for a couple of things. Unless I have misunderstood, this loss of bees is a fairly new phenomenon where as the radiation has been going on for quite a while. Also, the EMF problem exists in many countries but the bees are only disappearing in the US. Perhaps the bee loss is caused by several factors working synergistically.
Posted by: Bonita Poulin on March 7, 2007 11:43 AM

it is true we know very little at this point.
I feel that electromagnetic phenomena may be a good area to look into because of the inherent secrecy surrounding them and the chance that a new type of modulation could be added without anyone public knowledge.
Other factors that have been cited, such as pesticides, seed treatment chemicals, and genetically modified crops lack the feature of a possible recent change affecting all of the US, and only the US, without similarly affecting other countries.
I hope more people looking into this will bring out more clues.
Posted by: Sepp on March 8, 2007 03:47 AM

My little Bee/GWEN post at Alien Earth continues to evolve - first at STA and now courtesy of Sepp Hasslberger.
While the GWEN system has been in place for some time, it is only recently that it has turned to transmitting frequencies that disorient the bee population. The PTB inches this thing forward in small steps to allow for the forgetfulness of the population. The objective of course is the wholesale elimination of the honeybee, permitting the introduction of new GM seeds that require no pollination to reproduce since they simply do not reproduce. This places the seed source to feed millions in the hands of a small number of very troubled people. The seed that they dispense will not only feed us [and our meat sources] but also destroy our health along the way. Sound like some movie scenario? We only have to wait and see.
In the meantime, you can kiss good-bye almonds, walnuts, avocado and any number of other ‘seed’ fruits.
For those not willing to wait, the answer is to continue to bring this issue into the Internet light in the hopes of waking up the sleeping masses to the threats that lay before them.
Sepp and others are doing just that.
Posted by: Harbinger on March 8, 2007 05:36 AM

No possible explanation can be dismissed. A man-made one is likely, although natural causes may also be found. People mislead their own lives. Parents mislead families. Company leaders mislead companies. Government leaders mislead their people. It is not inconceivable that the madmen tinkering with electronics have blinders on to the side-effects of some technology, some experiment, or would deliberately do something stupid. There have always been stupid people who mislead us into situations we do not wish to be in. In fact, that's the definition of misleadership. So, we'll continue monitoring the phenomenon, searching for the cause, seeking the solution. Judging from what we know to be true about man's misleadership and blundering, no possibility is too bizare to be the truth.
Posted by: Gary E. Andrews on March 8, 2007 02:36 PM

The bee die off has been going on for many years, but the recent acceleration appears to follow the massive universalisation of mobile communications in general.
Also, this is not a US problem: throughout Europe the same thing is happening.
See our page at http://www.hese-project.org/hese-uk/en/ ... hp?id=bees
There are several very interesting aspects relating EM fields to bees that suggests this playing a part. Watch our page, it is still developing.
Posted by: Andy Davidson on March 15, 2007 09:45 AM

Jerry Bromenshenk at the University of Montana has been modifying bee behaviour to detect certain chemicals...like explosives, for example. DARPA, SNL and LANL have sponsored research to use bees for sniffing out bombs or landmines. If the bees are conditioned to find such chemicals, why then would they seek the nectar of blossums or want to return to the hive. The bees are missing, not dead in big numbers around the hives. If they were being infected by mites, molds, fungus, or pesticides we would see their dead little bodies all over. No, these bees are addicted like cocaine addicts and fly around seeking out those chemicals until they die of starvation. It is high time we stop messing with nature.
Posted by: Dale on March 15, 2007 11:54 AM

Your piece on bees was interesting. Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame?
However the problem of bee loss is worldwide and not just confined to the USA
German researchers think it is the radiation emitted from the mobile phone and WIMAX masts which are virtually now saturating our environments. Dr Warnke in Germany has done much work on it. There may be several mechanisms but it seems the low frequency 'pulse' carried along the high frequency wave is disrupting the bees cell communication systems.
Also there is a dipole effect from the alternating magnetic field component and perhaps the flux density disturbance (from interference of several sources of EMF's) of the earth's magnetic
See our site below:
http://www.hese-project.org/hese-uk/en/ ... nature.php
This is of extreme concern since Einstein said that if the bees vanish then all life on Earth has 4 years left to live!
Posted by: Sepp for Sarah on March 15, 2007 05:43 PM

Dear Sarah,
thank you for your comment, and I think you are making a good point with which I tend to agree.
I see that the situation is not restricted to the US, although perhaps it is more pronounced there - at least in this time period. Or do we perhaps hear more about the US situation because of a lazy press that reports on what is casually put before it, rather than on what the reporters themselves research and uncover?
The low frequency pulse of mobile communications, which is in the 200 - 220 cycles-per-second range, the frequency with which "packets" are sent by the digital communication equipment, is also the frequency which the bees themselves produce:
http://hypertextbook.com/facts/1999/Mic ... egan.shtml
According to Randolph Post, an average worker bee in flight produces a sound near middle B (250Hz). That would seem very close indeed to the tact frequency of packages in mobile phone transmissions and may well produce some interference.
Of course there may be other mechanisms, but this would be appear a good candidate for some urgent research.
Posted by: Sepp on March 15, 2007 05:58 PM

thank u for the news!
Posted by: here on March 16, 2007 12:29 AM

Here\'s some info on Italian and British bees disappearance. i think the USA does not report on other country\'s bee problems!! But then neither does the UK.
You should find out when the phone masts started going up in the USA and see if that correlates with the problem? ...here the 2G masts started in 1992. In 2002 we started to get 3G and last year WIMAX (the more powerful wifi transmitters) were rolled out into the countryside.
Best Regards

Rome, August 6 - Italian bees are been killed off by the millions and environmentalists and honey producers warned today this was a sign of a worrisome turn for the environment.
Queens - Poor Mating and Laying - An update July 2006
By Roger Patterson
http://www.bbka.org.uk/news/news/queens ... -lay.shtml
February 16, 2007
Putin Orders Russian ‘Queens’ Home, Decimates US Bee Industry
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Now, it is very important to understand that these bees are not dead, or dying, they are simply ‘disappearing’, and which led me to remember my studies under Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev in the 1980’s, and where a great deal of Soviet effort was then being put into the saving of the American domestic bee industry due to devastating losses caused by varroa mites.
Posted by: Sarah on March 23, 2007 12:30 PM

There is one new aspect of the radio frequency theory that I have not seen discussed as yet. High Def radio has only recently been introduced for wide spread use, this is a whole new spectrum of RF that could cause havoc with the bees navigation. Any and all theories should be investigated, this is a problem of of possible biblical proportions.
Posted by: Bill on March 25, 2007 08:15 AM

Bill, (or anyone else out there who might know) -
how is High Def Radio, or for that matter, HDTV, different from the traditional analog signals.
Are they modulated in "packets" like mobile telephones, and if so, what is the tact frequency of those packets ?
Posted by: Sepp on March 25, 2007 10:30 AM

This is disturbing. To think that a pesticide could be doing it. To think that our new wave of communication technology could be doing it. To this that perhaps its a plot or conspiracy by GM, to control the seeds of teh food chain.. All of it adds up to a rather chilling sci-fi like scenario that reminds me eerily of a movie..
Posted by: alix on March 29, 2007 05:57 PM

I'm in PA and have read the local reports by the researchers at PSU. Your theory is very interesting but unfortunately there is a major component to which you appear to not be aware. That is that the bees themselves have suffered intestinal damage. Upon forensic examination of the bees they are finding their digestive tracts ruined on about 90 of the bees along with cellular damage elsewhere. Draw your conclusions. Personally I prefer blaming it on what appears to be radiological damage. Not sure where the radiation would have come from though.
Posted by: michael on March 30, 2007 10:35 AM

This maybe worth to look:
And, can you comment this? Does (man-made)electromagnetic cause bees dying?
[link to www.newmediaexplorer.org]
**Most Certainly ... "Man Made" Electromagnetic Pollution ... Inadvertantly & Purposeful ... Along With Chemical Pollutions & Genetic Engineeering Of
Crops ... Have Contributed To Many Creatures/Beings Deaths !!
**In The Case Of The Honeybee ... However ... It Is Most Curious !!
**As The Honeybees Are Not Returning To Their "Man Made" Hives ... And Leaving The Queen Behind !!
**It Is "Assumed" ... That The Bees Are Flying
Off To Die !! ... As "Supposedly" They Cannot Exist As A Colony ... Without A Queen !!
**To "Terrestrial Knowledge" This May Be True !! ... However ... This Is Based On ... What They Know !!
... But What Of ... What They Do Not Know ???
**The Facts Known So Far ... Is That Bees Are Not Returning To Their "Man Made" Hives !! ... The Queen Bee Is Being Left Behind !!
Questions Become ...
Why Are They Not Returning ??
Where Are They Going ... Disappearing To ?? ... Because They Fly Away ... Does Not Necessarily Mean They Are Going Off To Die !!
What Is Actually Going On ???
**Are The Bees Being Effected By "Non-Artificial" Magnetic Field Changes On Terra/Earth ??
**Terrestrial Reports Have Been Made ... Of "Attitude Changes" In Previously Calm Animal Forms ... Where They Are Attacking Their "Owners & Handlers" !!
**Are The Animals "Striking Back" At Humanity/Humankind ... And Abandoning Them
... To Go Elsewhere ?? ... Literally Letting Them Kill Themselves Off ... In Their Desire To Control Every Facet Of Life ?? ...
**An Example Being ... With The World's Food Supply ... In The "Supposed Need" ... To Create Heartier Breeds Of Food Crops ... Scientists Have Tampered With The Very Essense Of Life ... Through Genetic Engineering ... And Have Created "Frankenfoods" ... Of Which Have Been Released "Into The Wild" ... Into Animal & Food Supplies (Pet Foods (Recently) & Salomenella Outbreaks ... In Foods Where "Fecal Contamination" Would Be Unheard Of !!
**Are The "Magnetic Changes" (Both Artificial (To Bolster Terra/Earth's Magnetic Field) & "Naturally Induced"
(From Outside Terra/Earth) ... Causing A Biological Imbalance ?? ... Where Certain Creatures & Beings ... Are Going Mad ?? ... Or Seeking Escape From Human/Mankind At All Costs ?? ... For Their Own Survival !!
**The Honeybees Are Linked To The Magnetic Fields Of This Planet ... For Navigation ... Like Birds, Aquatic
Species ... And Other Living Species/Creatures ... Since There Is A "Magnetic Imbalance" ... Of Which They Are Sensitive To ... Along With ... Man Made Pollutions ... Of Various Types ... This Would Be An Indication ... A Symptom ... Of What Is Happening To Your World ... Of Which Sensitivities ... Have Been "Dulled Down" ...
Purposefully !!
**One Example Of The Purposeful Pollution/Death Of Beings Of Your Planet ... Is By Sonic/Sound Means ... In Suppposedly The Need To Maintain Underwater Communications With Military Vehicles !! ... There Have Been
Examinations Of Whales & Other Species That Have Beached Themselves Upon The Shore ... To Die ... To Sufficate !! ... Their Autopsies Finding ... That Their Hearing Apparatuses ... Have Been Shattered ... The "Need" For "Secret Communications" ... Being Greater Then The Need Of Underwater Living Beings To Exist !! ... Of Those Responsible ... They Deny Any & All Wrongdoing ... And Prevent Any Investigation ... Per This Is
Governmental/States Secrets & Could Compromise Security !!
**Many Many Questions !! ... And Of This ... The Answer(s) ... We Would Say This Is A ... "All Of The Above" Respons !! ... As All Of These Things Are Occuring ... Are Happening !!
see as posted on Godlike Productions
Posted by: Nickey on April 1, 2007 02:16 AM

The Bees have Antennas on their heads and "magnetic material in the bodies of the bee that could be disturbed by bee cloning causing a problem in the ability of the bees mechanism in orientation."
Wake Up Call, Colony Collapse Disorder
Many animals have been found dead in the past ten years, Dogs, Cows, Birds in various countries. Some deformed. Some with what was believed to be a new desease, but it is really just exposure to cell phone and wifi microwave radiation.
Posted by: emf on April 3, 2007 04:51 PM

Unfortunately, according to Wikipedia, GWEN is no longer functional. The military now uses MILSTAR...
Even if GWEN is somehow still secretly operational, it first came online in 1980. Why do the bees suddenly have trouble today? While I won't rule out electromagnetic, I can't see how GWEN has anything to do with it.
Posted by: David T on April 14, 2007 09:59 PM

You may well be right, David.
It seems that GWEN, while officially dead, is still being operated. But I can't say that the problem comes from that particular program. It might be a contributing factor.
There is now a lot of news that the same or similar disasters are happening in other countries.
So perhaps a more likely candidate for the trouble is the ever increasing penetration of cell phone radiation with relay towers just about ubiquitous everywhere.
The phone radiation is pulsed at 220 cycles (packets) per second which brings it into close proximity of the native frequency of the bees. The hum of their wings is in the frequency range of 190 to 250 cycles per second.
The news is filtering out into the mainstream. See this latest article:
Are mobile phones wiping out our bees?
It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail.
They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world - the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. Late last week, some bee-keepers claimed that the phenomenon - which started in the US, then spread to continental Europe - was beginning to hit Britain as well.
The theory is that radiation from mobile phones interferes with bees' navigation systems, preventing the famously homeloving species from finding their way back to their hives. Improbable as it may seem, there is now evidence to back this up.
Posted by: Sepp on April 15, 2007 05:13 AM

HAARP's final level of installation went online I believe in May of last year. Could that be the new factor that explains why now for the bee's disappearance?
Posted by: Shawn on April 16, 2007 10:08 AM

Wow... I am realizing more and more just what trouble we are in with electromagnetism. I have been researching electronic weather modification protocol all over the world and have LOTS of information on my site, as well as on a DVD information pack I have assembled (loaded with history, scientific application, aerosol chemtrail facts, electro-conductive troposhere chemical dispersal facts, electromagnetic weaponry industry, funding, affiliation, etc)... it's quite massive. If anyone wants that DVD after viewing my web site, please feel free to email me and let me know. I'll mail it post-haste.
Meantime: I discovered something today. This is eerie. Talk about "global problem of possible biblical proportions"... There were studies conducted, and still are conducted, that concern the length of insect antennae to being almost 1/4 the length of the wavelength that can cause them to go nuts. The human spinal cord is, likewise, such a biochemical/ electromagnetic flux antenna. It sends out signals and receive signals to all of our nervous system and our brain. In men, it is typically 45cm long. In women, 43. The frequency that could damage or control HUMANS, at any binaurally pulsed rate of energy (perhaps in the 0-30Hz brainwave range), would referentially be approximated at 666Mhz x 4. Anywhere from 2200Mhz to 2600Mhz are prime signals to "jack us all in," so to speak... or jack us all up, anyhow. And guess what? Our cell phones, GPSr's, home cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers and modems, bluetooth junk, and more... all operate at these signals. For the most part. On top of that, we must consider the "microwave acoustic effect" (wiki has a good article), whereby the human ear will respond to these frequencies and send neural signals throughout our brains and convert whatever sine waves are pulsed within that frequency... to thoughts or perceived sensory input. There is communication used this way via DARPA. YIKES. Makes me wish I never got that "silver" filling years ago.
Lux Et Veritas,
Brendan Bombaci
www.kairologic.com or
"may the rose bloom on the cross"
Posted by: Brendan Bombaci on April 16, 2007 03:15 PM

HAARP's final installation was actually in 2005... just before it was used to squelch out Hurricane Rita (which otherwise had more destructive power coming than Katrina just one month before it). HAARP Magnetometer charts for the dates of Rita's "breakdown," upon landfall, will astound you. Those things don't happen to our geomagnetic shield during ANY natural circumstances. Idiot demonic fools at DARPA, BAE Systems, Raytheon...
I know the number of the beast. If you request and receive my DVD information pack, you will too. We can fight this madness with the info I've accumulated.
Lux Et Veritas,
Brendan Bombaci
"may the rose bloom on the cross"
Posted by: Brendan Bombaci on April 16, 2007 04:44 PM

Is this another sign we are at the end? I am so tired to be scared every day by a new catastrophe. Humans seem to be unable or unwilling to understand we are running on the fast lane towards our self destruction. We have always been a very self destructive species (our world wars should be an example), but normally there was a place for people only seeking for peace. Now there is no place where to hide, nor hopes left. Maybe we should just make it faster, cleaner and estinguish before destroying the whole world.

Posted by: Marco R. Capelli on April 17, 2007 04:17 AM

Most bee hives sustain their bees through the winter using corn syrup. This year would be the first winter where "most" of the corn is GMO.
Sorcha Faal's article above suggests that Russia placed their em sensitive queens in the American market because the U.S. would not negotiate a peace treaty back in the 70's. Anybody here read Alternative 3?
Posted by: eric swan on April 17, 2007 06:34 AM

Many bee dieoff variables may be interacting: available at the link below and at the comments.
In the running seems to be a potential synergistic effect of many issues:
- US-centric issue, though starting to appear in other countries
- Bt GM-crops, of which the USA is chock full of...
- and Bt intentionally sprayed directly into the hive as an insecticide...
- facilitating soon afterward forms of mass autoimmune breakdown....
- and where bees don't even want to feed
- which has something to do with bees getting all at once of their typical diseases all at once, one of which is a form of navigational confusion interestingly enough
- other critters treat the empty hive oddly, as if it is poisoned, when typically other insects would want to eat the honey. Reports that it is toxic in some unknown way so far, and insects are strangely staying away from the empty hives.
- all this occurs very soon after a large varroa mite infestation, that may have weakened bees in general throughout the USA
- where bees in the hive are full of multiple infestations of fungi
- Sorcha Faal article on the HAARP background issues: did Russia seed known electromagnetically sensitive Russian bees into the U.S. stock back in the late 1970s-1980s, intentionally as a form of
Posted by: biostate on April 17, 2007 11:47 AM

Silent Spring, Revisited: Bee Dieoff Shows Importance of Watershed Based Commodity Ecology Oversight
http://biostate.blogspot.com/2007/02/si ... ieoff.html
Anyway, here's the link that somehow got dropped from the real post (I had written more though your software here clipped it off somehow).
Sepp comments: Yes, I saw that something was cut off (it happens sometimes on my system - haven't found the reason for it yet) but anyway I published so you could see and perhaps add the missing part.
Posted by: biostate on April 17, 2007 08:35 PM

New idea. Go here.
Major Solar Eruption...
What about those ionosphere-transformed geomagnetic storms from every known wavelength of radiation that pummels us from across the aether from our very Sol? During the last 6 years, Earth has been experiencing the effects of being blasted with xrays and radiated particulates from space... the likes of which only, under normal circumstances, occur during "Solar Maximum," which is not supposed to peak until the year 2012. These "waves," along with the geo-dynamo connection to our Moon, control our very course through the solar system, let alone the axial tilt and polar coordination that gives us our magnetic shield AND our lovely blue atmosphere under which all can live and thrive.
Strange thing is how this solar activity, what with the constantly (monthly, if not weekly) bombarding "solar holes" and super billion-atomic-bomb-rated flares that are relentlessly forcing energetic change upon our Earth. And upon Mars. NASA scientists recently uncovered the fact that Mars, too, is experiencing "global warming" from solar changes and from tensor stress upon geomagnetic field lines that weave the inner planets together. Why is it that when one searches the solar observatory data files, from the various global solar science stations (online), you cannot gather any data these days? Whether "this data cannot be found," or there was a "CCD Bakeout" disallowing the viewing of images... it's everywhere. And the government militaries of US, EU, and CHINA are all concerned with the incredibly immminent need to change the technology of our GPS and communication grid before 2012 for fear of losing it all?? WHAT THE HELL?
2012 is the Mayan "end date" by the way, called the date of the "transformation of matter." We are 360,000 years overdue for a pole shift, as even NASA and JPL scientists will reveal openly on their pages. Einstein said that if the soil of the seabed beneath the Arctic ice were to go toothpaste-consistency, we'd all be out of time. It is that way now. The North pole is thousands of kilometers off, locating itself close to Siberia. If a geomagnetic pole shift occurs, when these solar storms ravage the inner planets, the polar dominions of our force field will be so random and unstable that no place can be called "safe" from the effects of such drama. What do you do? Wear lead suits? Faraday cages? Subterranean tunnel systems like those of the Central Americas and the Giza Plateau and Dordogne, France, where ancient people were hiding from cosmic debris like Radium and Barium nearly 13000 years ago? Hmm.
Watch the skies, folks. If you value the future, watch the skies and watch those who control the electromagnetic spectrum with technology and media secrecy. Remember: THEY have underground agriculture and tunnel systems and nuclear holocaust fallout shelters and international GWEN-type communication systems and such... they also have a HAARP and EISCAT and SURA and Arecibo to toy with the geomagnetic sphere if it fails... question these things if you question ANYTHING.
And be well!
Lux Et Veritas,
Brendan Bombaci
Posted by: Brendan Bombaci on April 20, 2007 10:13 AM

i've had a high frequency ringing in my left ear for 3 months.it's driving me crazy i have to take nerve pills to avoid going crazy. people close to me have always told me i have the best hearing they have ever seen. recently they put up a cell tower 2 miles from me. i live in a remote part of tn. something is going on?
Posted by: steven dishner on April 20, 2007 11:39 PM

It is pretty worrying. Here in South Africa I have just e mailed my friends to say cut down on cell phone use as much as possible. (Would this help at all I wonder?)I plan to alert a radio station and a few investigative newspapers. The public needs to know about this. Maybe we can get, as a start, cell phone companies to let us know what is going on.
Posted by: susan on April 23, 2007 12:08 PM

I doubt the cell phone companies would be of much help. They have been working hard to NOT find out about and inform users of possible cell phone dangers.
Also curtailing the use of cell phones will do little to cut down the already existing radiation (at least for the insects such as bees). Most of that radiation emanates from the ubiquitous repeater antennas that cover the landscape to provide good reception for us humans.
Of course it is better for your friends to cut down on cell phone use, as it would be for anyone.
Posted by: Sepp on April 23, 2007 04:05 PM

if radio waves from a submarine can cause a whale to loss its way home why cant a bee lose its way from a cell phone?
Posted by: ray diehl on April 28, 2007 12:51 PM

Submarines use sonar = sound waves. Apparently the sound generated by new military sonars is so loud it destroys the auditory system of sea-dwelling cre
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Notapor Christian de Kell » Lun Feb 04, 2008 8:43 pm

muy bien... muy bien... ahora podrías ponerlo en castellano?
Invisibles: Kig Mob, Ragged Robin, Jack Frost, Lord Fanny, Boy, Mason Lang, Jim Crow, Jolly Roger...
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Christian de Kell
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Notapor Nephilim » Lun Feb 04, 2008 9:45 pm

Mejor más en español, cuando lo monté no me di cuenta de que fuera tan put@mente largo. :lol:
"Lo mejor de caer...es levantarse"

"Ušumgal"-La Gran Serpiente de Eridu-
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